Innovation & Early Careers Skills

Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot (IECSEP)

IECSEP is providing a new streamlined pathway for UK citizens to take their next career step in Australia and is managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The Early Careers stream offers the opportunity to work in Australia for up to 12 months while the Innovation stream provides the opportunity to work in Australia for up to 3 years.Through IECSEP, applicants can undertake a short-term placement or secondment in Australia, or move into a new role. IECSEP also supports intra-corpotate transfers and graduate rotations, providing a streamlined pathway for UK firms to temporarily locate key personnel in Australia.

A total of 2000 places have been allocated across both streams for the 2024/2025 program year. Successful IECSEP applicants can enter Australia on a temporary work (International Relations) subclass 403 visa Government Agreement scheme.

General criteria

  • Must present an offer of employment or contract from an Australian employer
  • There is no need for Australian businesses to sponsor applicants
  • Labour market testing or TSMIT is not applied
  • Must have A$5000 plus additional funds to pay for outboiund flight from Australia
  • Must have Australian licences, registrations or certfication where applicable
  • Cannot change employers while participating in IECSEP
  • Cannot include family members in ICESEP application

Early Careers Stream

  • Be aged between 21 - 45 (inclusive)
  • Hold recognised tertiary qualifications
  • Have worked in current employment role for 3 months
  • Evidence that employment role in Australia is relevant to current field of work
  • Occupation must be defined in ANZSCO skill levels 1-3 click here

Innovation Stream

  • Are not subject to an age limit
  • Must describe contribution to innovation in professional life
  • Must demonstrate degree of professional experience
  • Must demonstrate high level of professional skill
  • Must have an occupation defined in ANZSCO skill level 1 click here


For further information on IECSEP please telephone 0208 315 6700 or send an email to to include details as to how you believe you can meet Early Careers or the Innovation stream criteria.




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What our clients are saying

We would both like to thank you sincerely for everything you have done to make our move to Australia a reality. You have both been fantastic every step of the way and would not hesitate for a second to recommend you to our friends who wish to emigrate.