Parent Visas

Parents have a number of visa options to choose from and the pathway selected will depend on the age of the primary applicant and whether you meet the Balance of Family test.

General criteria - Contributory Parent - subclasses 143, 173, 864 & 884.

  • sponsored by a child who is an Australian citizen/permanent resident/eligible NZ citizen
  • meet the Balance of Family test
  • meet health and character requirements
  • arrange an Assurance of Support (AoS)
  • pay the 2nd instalment of the Visa Application Charge (VAC) prior to the permanent visa being granted

Subclass 143 is an offshore Contributory Parent (permanent) visa and subclass 864 is an onshore Contributory Parent (paermanent) visa available to an applicant aged 67 years or older.

Subclass 173 is an offshore Contributory Parent (temporary) visa and subclass 884 is a Contributory Parent (temporary) visa available to an applicant aged 67 years or older. both these visa classess allow you to pay the VAC in 2 stages but you must apply for permanent residence within 2 years, pay the 2nd VAC and arrange an AoS in order to become a permanent resident of Australia.

General criteria non-contributory parent visa subclasses 103 and 804

Subclass 103 is an offshore visa and subclass 804 is an onshore aged parent visa available to an applicant aged 67 years or older. Applicants selecting these visa classes do not have to pay the 2nd VAC and the Aos is reduced but will have a longer wait to ge granted a visa.

Temporary Sponsored Parent visa - subclass 870

This temporary parent visa can be granted with an initial stay period of 3 or 5 years and can be renewed up to a maximum overall stay period of 10 years. This visa pathway is an option for parents who have applied for an offshore Contributory Parent subclass 143/173 visa and who would like to spend time in Australia whilst waiting for their offshore visa to be processed. This visa subclass also offers a pathway for parents who are unable to satisfy the Balance of Family test. You can be outside Australia when you apply Unless sponsorship approval is granted. Parents are not permitted to work in Australia and must arrange adequate health insurance for their entire stay in Australia. Applicants can satisfy this criteria if they enrol with Medicare and are from a country such as the UK which has a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement. Important: Parents cannot submit a Contributory or Aged Parent visa whilst they hold a subclass 870 visa.


The sponsor can be the biological child of the parent or his/her spouse and must be approved before the visa application can be submitted. You can sponsor one or both of your parents, or one or both of your partner's parents or one of your parents and one of your partners parents. Sponsors must be an Australian citizen or a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who has been resident in Australia for at least 4 years with a minimum household income of AUD83,454.80 evidenced by the most recent Tax Assessment Notice issued by the Australian Taxation Office. Sponsors must also not have been unlawful or held a Bridging visa other than A, B or C during the last 4 years.

What is the Balance of Family test?

The balance of family test is applied to all parents with the exception of the Temporary Sponsored Parent visa (subclass 870) or if you are applying as a retiree and hold a retirement visa (sub-classes 410/405). To meet the balance of family test a parent must have at least half of their children and step-children residing permanently in Australia or more children residing in Australia than in any other single country.  

What is an Assurance of Support (AoS)?

An AoS is a legally binding and unconditional commitment by an Australian resident (the assurer) to support the parent (the assuree) and repay any recoverable Australian social security payments that may be paid to the assuree during their AoS period.

Who can give an Assurance of Support?

An assurer must be an Australian permanent resident aged 18 years of age or older and pass the income test for the current and previous financial year. You can have up to 3 assurers to meet the financial requirement or alternatively a genuine incorporated or unincorporated organisation in Australia may also be an assurer.

How much is an Assurance of Support?

For subclass 143 and 864 applicants, the cost is AUD10,000 for the primary applicant plus AUD4,000 for the spouse with the AoS bond held for a period of 10 years. For subclass 804 applicants, the cost is AUD5,000 for the primary applicant and AUD2,000 for the spouse with the AoS bond held for a period of 4 years.

An AoS is not applicable to the Temporary Sponsored Parent subclass 870 visa or if you are applying as a retiree (subclass 143 or 103).

When is the 2nd instalment of the Visa Application Charge requested?

Once you have met all the requirements of the Contributory Parent visa process you will be asked to pay the 2nd instalment of the Visa Application Charge within 70 days. An invoice will be issued by the DHA with payment instructions including the option to pay via BPAY if you have an Australian bank account to avoid surcharges. Usually, the parent visa is granted within a few days of the payment being made.

What is a Bridging visa?

If you are applying for a parent visa in Australia, on lodgement of your application you will automatically be granted a Bridging A visa which will come into effect when the stay period on your visitor visa expires and will allow you to remain in Australia until your parent application is decided. If you need to depart Australia once your Bridging A visa is in effect, you will need to apply for and be granted a Bridging B visa prior to your departure from Australia. 

What services can I expect to receive from Concept Australia?

Our services include:

•      a zoom or telephone appointment to assess your eligibility and to answer your questions
•      certification of your documents by the Registered Migration Agent
•      electronic completion of your visa application form
•      liaising with your son or daughter (sponsor) in Australia
•      advice on health and character issues (if applicable)
•      management of your application at the Parent Visa Centre (PVC)

Fees charged by Concept Australia

Our fees are charged in 2 stages:

1.    On engagement of our services - £695+ VAT
2.    On lodgement of your application with the DHA - £695 + VAT

Why should I only use an agent registered with MARA?

The Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) is managed by the DHA who is responsible for monitoring the conduct of registered migration agents both in and outside Australia. MARA approves continuing professional development activities of all registered agents to ensure they maintain up-to-date knowledge of migration law and procedure so that only the highest level of advice and assistance is provided to prospective applicants. The DHA strongly advise that if you need assistance with the visa process that you should only appoint an agent who is registered with the MARA. A person who is not registered cannot offer you legal protection and you run the risk of being exposed to migration fraud by someone who has limited knowledge on immigration procedures and who is not accountable for his/her actions.


Consultations are arranged by Zoom or telephone and are designed to help you understand which pathway is appropriate to your circumstances before you commence on the parent visa process. During the consultation we will discuss:

  • the parent visa process and your options in detail
  • sponsorship requirements (your sponsor is welcome to join the discussion)
  • assurance of support requirements
  • the total cost of the visa process
  • the processing timetable for the various parent visa subclasses
  • whether you should lodge an application offshore or onshore
  • any questions you may not have found answers to during your research
  • potential issues that may impact on the outcome of your parent visa application

    If you would like to find out more about visa options for parents, please telephone 0208 315 6700 or complete the enquiry form below.


> Make an Enquiry

What visa options are there?

Choose the best option for you:



Can I lodge an Aged Contributory Parent visa application in Australia?

Aged Contributory Parents who are eligible to lodge an application in Australia (sub-classes 864 and 884) must be inside Australia at the time their application is lodged and also when their visas are granted. Please note that parents who have applied for an extended validity subclass 600 visa may be subject to a "No Further Stay" (8503) condition which means they will not be able to lodge an onshore visa application. Aged parents who lodge an application onshore will be granted a Bridging A visa which will come into effect when the stay period of their visitor visa expires allowing them to remain lawfully in Australia until their application is decided.

Aged parents who choose to travel to Australia to lodge their visa application will need to consider before making any long-term commitments: 

  • Whether they could be challenged on arrival in Australia for not being a genuine visitor
  • That they have yet to be assessed against health and character criteria
  • Any customs implications for importing personal effects if they do not have Australian resident status.
Can my application for a Contributory Parent visa for Australia be processed sooner?

Applications are processed in the order they are received and there is little scope to process applications earlier.

There are a significant number of applications awaiting assessment and the number of places allocated by the Minister in each program year is considerably less than applications submitted for all visa sub-classes 143, 173, 864 and 884.

Parents can generally expect to wait approximately 5 years for their application to be decided.

Can I travel to Australia while my Parent visa application is being processed?

You can apply for other visas while your application is being processed including an authorised stay period of 12 months out of 18 months in Australia.


Do I have to travel to Australia by a certain date?

Once you have received advice that your visa has been granted, you will be advised of your ‘initial entry date’ which will be 12 months from the date of the grant of your visa.


Can I undergo health checks before I lodge my application for a Contributory Parent visa?

Your radiological and medical examinations must be carried out by an approved panel doctor who will need you to provide a HAP identity number when making the appointment. You will be advised of your HAP ID at the time instructions are issued by the case officer at the Parent Visa Centre in Perth.

Parent Enquiry Form

If you are considering applying for a Contributory Parent or Temporary Sponsored Parent visa for Australia, please complete and submit the form below. The information you provide will be treated in confidence and will not be stored onto a data-base or distributed to third parties.



What our clients are saying

Deb and I would like to thank you for your patience and exemplary service given in having the Partner visa granted.  We will certainly recommend you to anyone who may be seeking an immigration agent