Temporary 5 year Parent Visa (subclass 870) from 01 July 2019


The new temporary sponsored parent visa (subclass 870) opened for applications on 01 July 2019. A total of 15,000 visas will be made available in each programme year which is twice the number currently allocated to Contributory Parents.

The cost for applying for the visa will be AUD5,000 for a 3 year visa and AUD10,000 for a 5 year visa with the sponsor having to pay AUD420 to lodge their sponsorship. Parents can stay for a period of up to 5 years but must depart Australia for 90 days to be eligible to apply for a further stay of 5 years.

For further information on the criteria applied to both the parent and sponsor, please visit the Parent visas page.

Observations by the Registered Migration Agent

Contributory parents (sub-classes 143/173) who have lodged or who are about to lodge their offshore visa application do so in the knowledge that the Parent Visa Centre in Perth are currently processing applications lodged in July 2015. Parents may therefore consider the new option as an opportunity to be re-united with their children and grandchildren much sooner than they anticipated but should still consider lodging an application for permanent residence to protect their long-term future in Australia.

As the Balance of Family test does not need to be satisfied, parents who for example have 2 out of their 3 children in Australia but with one still waiting for permanent residence could also explore this visa option until they become eligible to apply for a Contributory Parent visa.

Parents who do not have a pathway to remain permanently in Australia need to carefully consider their position in the long-term and in particular when their stay period comes to an end and they are required to leave Australia.

In conclusion this visa is unlikely to be of interest to working age parents or for parents who do not have a pathway to apply for permanent residence in the future. It should therefore be viewed as an expensive long-term visitor visa.


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Thank you for all your help we are hopefully moving permanently to Oz at the end of the year.